Family Sessions Booking Now :: 2015

Hello friends!  Can it really be?  Can it really be that time of year again?  Well, maybe not quite yet, as I’m jumping the gun a little bit on starting to book family sessions.  But, here’s my beef with last year… it kicked my ass.  Plain and simple.  I scheduled shoots too late into the year… which November doesn’t really seem like it’s all that late… but when the holidays set in, those bitches don’t mess around.

So, I’m starting a bit early, which will hopefully allow me to sleep a little bit during this holiday season, and hopefully help you guys out a bit too!!  Unless you like the idea of standing in a never-ending line at the post office with 200 cards to mail out, all of which need to be weighed and stamped… which might require a bit of vodka to dip your candy canes into.  So… yeah… I’m hoping this suits all of us!

As you guys know, this is the ONLY TIME OF THE YEAR that I book family sessions.  So, if you’ve been chatting with me about doing a shoot… now is the time!!  Family sessions are going to be booked exactly like last year!  Your session will be $500 for one hour of shooting.  You’ll get a lot of fun, interactive and candid moments along with a few options of a full family photo for your holiday card.  You will have plenty of photos… likely around 50-70 images… that you will hopefully want to litter your walls with, as well as your holiday card.  We will shoot outdoors at the location of your choice, within the Las Vegas area.  Likely, those locations will include Spring Mountain Ranch, Wetlands, Floyd Lamb, Corn Creek, Dry Lake Beds, etc…. Whatever suits your fancy.  :)  I’d also love to have some adventurous families who wanna let me try some new locations around Lake Mead, and even some around the Colorado River area just past Hoover Dam.  Those locations will be reserved for the families whose Dad’s aren’t pissed about the idea of family photos.  Because… road trip.  ha ha ha!!

We will shoot in the evening hours, usually around 4 or 5pm… maybe even later just depending on what the sun looks like as we approach daylight savings and the location you have chosen (ie:Spring Mountain Ranch might even be 3pm since it’s so close to the mountains).

In order to book the date you have to contact me via email ( and let me know which date you want.  I will send over a contract and payment event.  In order to book the date, the session fee has to be paid in advance, in full, and is non-refundable.  However, I’m not a complete asshole.  If something comes up and you can’t make your shoot, I will likely NOT steal your money.  We can always work to reschedule.

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Alright, here are the dates that I have available… Last year they were swooped relatively quickly, but it’s not like they’re gonna be gone before the weekend or anything, so don’t stress.  :)

Here we go…

September 17th
September 18th
September 19th
September 20th
September 24th
September 25th
September 26th
September 27th

October 8th
October 9th
October 10th
October 11th
October 22nd
October 23rd
October 24th
October 25th

It’s August 11th, and I’m signing off with…

Happy Holidays!!

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